Thursday, 14 June 2012

World Day of energy: manufacturing and presenting a lamp -shaped doll to sensitize the local community to save energy

The activity ‘manufacturing a lamp-shaped doll to sensitize the local community to save energy’,  part of the Comenius project ‘A PATH TO SUSTAINABILITY’ was developed between 1st and 31st  May 2012. 
During the first stage of the activity the materials necessary for the creation of the doll were collected, then, on 16th May the workshop was held with pupils from classes IB and IVB, guided by teachers Beldiman Cristina and Prodea Mirela.
 The final product, the doll, was displayed in Town Hall Square by a group of high school students accompanied by teacher Cretu Ana-Maria. Passers-by voted the best idea for saving power, of those suggested by the pupils. At the same time, local community members appreciated the school initiative of involving pupils in solving environmental problems.
 The students involved in the activity had the satisfaction of working as a team and creating from recycling materials an original doll which managed to arise the passers-by interest and to sensitize them to save energy.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Cleaning a place in the local community

In May, our school started a cleaning activity in the area surrounding the high school. Pupils from XI R were involved in the activity under the supervision of teachers Spiridon Nicolae and Magda Koncz.
The yellow helmets were offered by SC Mitrea Prest and the other materials, such as plastic bags and gloves were bought with project funds.
The cleaned area was: Bisericii Sf. Nicolae Street–Saguna Park – Old Town Hall Square–Muresenilor Str. –Central Park–Casei Armatei ParkSchaeffler Park. Besides cleaning, the pupils also collected recycling materials (especially paper) from the companies on the way. The entire amount of waste (recycling or not) were stored selectively, in the containers set by Comprest Company in Central Park.