Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Project Reunion, organized by Hoeggen skole, Trondheim, Norway 4th-8th April 2011

Monday April 4th

8:00   First meeting at Hoeggen Skole.
10:00 Guiding around the school.
10:30 Project meeting
11:30 Lunch (in the school canteen; the food was cooked and served by the teachers and pupils of the school)
12:30 Sightseeing in Trondheim by bus and foot
           The stops were at the Polytechnic University, Bakklandet Fortress and  Nidaros Cathedral. During the trip the guests were also introduced to the city and fjord.

Tuesday April 5th

8:00 Morning coffee and starting of the second project meeting
           Mr. Alvaro Reis from Sao Roque Portugal presents the results of the following activities:
           Quality of the Water around the School Area (River UI)
           Migrations of Birds
11:00 Lunch
12:00 Visit the different classes of subject “culture” (music, arts, sports, drama)
14:30 Project meeting continues.
16:00 Final of the sessions

Wenesday April 6th

8:00 Morning coffee
9:00 Work Shop – on the theme Environmental Day
           All teachers and pupils attended, in turns, the following activities:
           Basse (Bag Ball), Angels made by juice aluminium cans, Carton wallets
13:00 After the workshops were closed, the teachers in charge of the festival team rehearsed with their pupils.
14:30  Teachers and pupils left to visit the city. The targeted objectives were the Pier and the Fjord, centre of the city, old houses on Bakklandet, Nidalva bridges and Trondheim Torg.
18:00  The return of the pupils to their host families

Thursday April 7th

8:30       Meet at Hoeggen for morning coffee
9:00       Festival. Cultural presentations from all the scools.
12:00   Trip to Roros –UNESCO heritage. The final meeting of the project took place on the bus. A questionnaire is to be designed and sent by mail to every teacher and pupil in the project. In Roros everyone was able to taste the delicious traditional Norwegian food. A specialized guide described the old copper mining settlement  in Roros. We admired houses 300 years old , built in different but specific Scandinavian styles, some luxurious other poor. A remarkable example were the houses with lawn on their roof, an original insulating procedure. Participants had the opportunity to admire the sights from the highest point in the region, the top of the waste heap.  
19:00 Arrival in Trondheim.

Friday April 8th:

8:30   Meeting with the kids in Trondheim center
10:00 Visiting Nidaros Dome, Archbishops Palace and The Royal Crown of Saint Olaf
12:00  Lunch
13:00  Visiting Folk Museum
14:30  Ringven Museum (Museum of Music)
16:00 Returning in the town center, and seeing a few representations at the International Film Festival

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Rehearsals for the festival in Hoeggen Skole, Trondheim, Norway

18 classes of 'Andrei Mureşanu' High School,  Braşov (primary, elementary and high school ) with 20 teachers attended during the last two weeks of March 2011 the open rehearsals of the show on environmental theme 'A Path to Sustainability' , performance designed for the  school festival in Hoeggen Skole, Trondheim, Norway.
The festival was on 7th April 2011 and our students –Roxana Tincea, Stefan Radu Moraru, Ioana Pintilie, Stefania Stoian, Bianca Dumea , Iustin Dragan -  enjoyed success as they were appreciated for the original way of combining drama, traditional folk dance, mime, eurhythmics and singing to create an intricate  artistic moment dedicated  to the protection of the environment.